The Holy Cross Perpetual Care Cemetery Committee is composed of parishioners appointed by our Parish priest. The job of the committee is to provide for efficient maintenance and administrative operation of our parish cemeteries and to oversee the investment of funds and fund raising activities to insure that sufficient funds are available to cover needs for maintenance and improvements now and in the future. The committee meets bi-monthly on the third Monday of the month.
Rules and guidelines for our cemeteries regarding cemetery plots, costs, etc. can be found by clicking here.
If you have an interest in serving as a member of this committee, please let the parish office personnel know so they can keep you in mind as openings occur.
Cemetery Committee Members
Johnny Zinsmeyer...... 830-931-4201 Lupe Moncada................ 830-363-7574
Karen Zinsmeyer........ 830-363-7535 Roland DeLeon............... 830-741-0422
Dale Zerr..................... 830-931-5542 Margaret Bergmann........ 830-741-0422
Rick Rothe.................. 830-426-1163 John Bergmann............... 830-363-7659
Tommy Ney.................830-363-6131