Altar Servers are committed to serving God and the parishioners of Holy Cross Church. They assist at Mass throughout the week and weekends including funerals, weddings, Stations of the Cross, Adoration and Benediction, Confirmation and Liturgical Processions.
The ministry is open to boys and girls, who have received First Eucharist and are in the 3rd grade through high school. Training is provided. Announcements for training are placed in the bulletin and on the website. Please email the church office if you have a child that is interested in becoming an Altar Server.
Altar Server Instructions:
It is IMPORTANT that you arrive 15 MINUTES before mass. When Mass is over hang up your cassock and surplice neatly. Considerately arrange to get a substitute if you can’t serve at your assigned mass.
Lord Jesus, Thank you for the opportunity to serve You during the Holy Mass.
In Your Sacred Presence, My heart is filled with joy and peace.
May Your Spirit always guide me so I may grow in Your love.
by the grace of the Heavenly Father. Amen